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  • Most publications are free to download or can be purchased in a hospital pack from the online shop.  You can help support the charity and development of new publications for those with Addison's disease by making a donation now.

Featured Publications

  • ADSHG surgical guidelines By ACAP

    • 19,156
    The ADSHG surgical guidelines are intended for the information of your medical team or your dentist and have been developed for the ADSHG by our Clinical Advisory Panel.   Download our surgical guidelines   They explain what level of extra medication and monitoring you will need in the event of most types of surgery or dental work. If you are having elective surgery in hospital, for example a hip operation, it would be sensible to give your surgeon and anaesthetist a copy of
  • ADSHG Newsletter 133 – September 2018 By ADSHG

    • 535
    Addison's Disease Self-Help Group newsletter, issue 133, September 2018   Welcome to the autumn 2018 edition of the ADSHG newsletter, with a refreshed, modern design. This new-look edition gives details of the forthcoming Special General Meeting and medical seminar, with messages from our Founder, the new Chair and the Treasurer. This issue also includes information on the prices of generic medicines and updates from ADSHG medical grant recipients. Additionally, Jane Hodgkins offers membe
  • When a student has Addison's: a guide for schools and parents By ADSHG

    • 5,405
    The ADSHG booklet 'When a student has Addison's: a guide for schools and parents' was written to help young people with Addison's who are in education to explain the condition, considerations needed and support required by a school or educational establishment.   This leaflet was developed jointly by ADSHG members Sue Chambers, Debbie Heaton and Katherine White. The ADSHG also wishes to thank Juliet Edwards, Jennifer Billingham, Sue Elford and Lindsey Farrow for reviewing the content.
  • ADSHG medical history form By ADSHG

    • 660
    The medical summary form is an easy way to record the medications you are currently taking as an aide-mémoire and as a guide for medical professionals, when my medical records are unavailable and your medications need to be known.   Download the Medical Summary   The leaflet is © ADSHG March 2017. It may be copied for personal use or by medical practitioners for the edu

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