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Annual Reports & Accounts

The ADSHG is a registered UK charity and is funded by your donations and subscriptions

21 files

  1. Free

    ADSHG Constitution - Charitable Incorporated Organization

    The Charity Commission has now confirmed the new CIO status (Charitable Incorporated Organization) for the ADSHG (Registered Charity Number 1179825). The new constitution for the CIO is available for download here.
    Members will formally vote to transfer our existing activities to the new CIO at the Special General Meeting on Sunday 18th November 2018  for futher details click here...



  2. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report and Accounts 2017

    ADSHG is regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. This PDF is the trustees' annual report and accounts, as approved by the charity's independent examiner for 2017 and published on the Charity Commission website.



  3. Free

    Impact at a glance 2017

    Impact at a glance is a one-page summary sheet, reporting the achievements and performance metrics of ADSHG in the 2017 financial year. It is drawn from the charity's full report and accounts, which can be viewed on this link.



  4. Free

    ADSHG 25th anniversary publication

    Twenty five years of the Addison’s Disease Self Help Group
    This special anniversary report celebrates the 25th anniversary of the ADSHG. It follows the story of the group from when it was first started by our President, Deana Kenward, on her kitchen table in 1984 with just 50 members up until our 25thanniversary in 2009, when the group was now a registered charity, almost 1,300 members strong. It includes messages from ADSHG members on how the group has helped them and a look at current activities.



  5. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report and Accounts 2016

    ADSHG is regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. This PDF is the trustees' annual report and accounts, as approved by the charity's independent examiner for 2016 and published on the Charity Commission website.



  6. Free

    ADSHG Impact at a glance 2016

    Impact at a glance is a one-page summary sheet, reporting the achievements and performance metrics of ADSHG in the 2016 financial year. It is drawn from the charity's full report and accounts, which can be viewed on this link.



  7. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2015

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2015
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2015. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  8. Free

    ADSHG impact at a glance 2015

    The ADSHG works hard in its mission to raise community awareness of Addison's disease via our website, our Facebook page and our Twitter channel. Supporting people with this rare condition is the prime objective of the charity so we make all our medical literature free to everyone via the website and, for members, we provide local meetings and an online forum. Learn more about the impact that we are making from the ADSHG Impact at a glance 2015 summary.



  9. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2002

    ADSHG annual report for year ending 31 December 2002
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s activities for the financial year ending 31 December 2002.



  10. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2003

    ADSHG annual report for year ending 31 December 2003
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s activities for the financial year ending 31 December 2003.



  11. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2004

    ADSHG annual report for year ending 31 December 2004
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s activities for the financial year ending 31 December 2004.



  12. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2005

    ADSHG annual report and accounts for year ending 31 December 2005
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s activities for the financial year ending 31 December 2005. It also includes a summary of the group’s accounts for the year.



  13. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2006

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2006
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2006. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  14. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2007

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2007
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2007. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  15. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2008

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2008
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2008. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  16. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2009

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2009
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2009. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  17. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2010

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2010
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2010. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  18. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2011

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2011
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2011. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year. The report can be accessed via the Charity Commission website.



  19. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2012

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2012
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2012. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  20. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2013

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2013
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2013. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



  21. Free

    ADSHG Annual Report 2014

    ADSHG annual report and financial statement for year ending 31 December 2014
    This report contains a summary of the ADSHG’s objectives, activities and achievements for the financial year ending 31 December 2014. It also includes a financial review of the group and a statement of their financial activities for the year.



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