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When an employee has Addison's: employers leaflet

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About this Publication

The ADSHG 'When an employee has Addison's' leaflet was written to help those newly diagnosed – or changing jobs – to explain their condition to an employer.


This leaflet was developed jointly by:
Ian Carswell, Sue Chambers, Sue Downey, Alyson Elliott, Siobhan Haskey, Nigel Ingham, Siobhan Tolland and Katherine White. Our thanks to Professors John Wass, Simon Pearce, Wiebke Arlt and Dr Trevor Howlett of the Addison’s Clinical Advisory Panel for their guidance and input.


The leaflet covers the following information:


1. How Addison’s may affect people at work
2. Ongoing symptoms
3. Adrenal crisis
4. Time off work
5. Addison’s and disability law
6. Possible adjustments
6. Supporting an employee with Addison’s

The leaflet is © ADSHG September 2015. Copyright permission will not be unreasonably withheld and 'personal use' can be assumed to cover copies related to the personal employment circumstances of an individual.

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