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Newsletters (members only)

Member-only newsletters published quarterly with features and articles about living with Addison's and group news.

69 files

  1. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 095 - March 2009"


    ADSHG Newsletter 095 - March 2009

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group, issue 95, March 2009
    The ADSHG turns 25 this year, making this our silver anniversary. On 21 July 1984, Deana Kenward started the group - at her kitchen table - with just a handful of members. She blames writer and actress Katie Boyle, then the agony aunt at the Radio Times, for everything. Deana had written to the Radio Times to ask if they knew of a support group for people with Addison’s. Katie Boyle wrote back to say no, and why didn’t she start one? So she did.

    Page 1: Front page
    Happy birthday to us
    Annual report
    Page 2: From the President
    Annette Louise Seal Memorial Research Award
    Members' fundraising
    Pages 3-5: Medical news
    Pandemic flu planning
    Government's position on 28-day prescribing
    Duo-Cort online survey
    Page 5: Group news
    Executive at work
    Pages 6-9: Medical lecture
    The causes of Addison's
    Pages 10-11: Home and away
    Keeping cool about fludrocortisone
    Genetic research: give blood
    Rescue of Addison's Disease Study
    Life in the slow lane
    Page 12: Personal experience
    Namaste: trekking in the Himalayas
    Page 13: Famous lives
    Page 14: Group news
    Medical lecturer profile
    Social reports
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  2. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 094 - December 2008"


    ADSHG Newsletter 094 - December 2008

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 94, December 2008
    When the US sub-prime real estate market collapsed a year ago, no one anticipated that it would unravel to cause a global fi nancial crisis, the near-collapse of the international banking system and a protracted worldwide recession. Despite the economic uncertainty ahead, we hope that everyone can enjoy their Christmas and New Year celebrations.

    Page 1: Front page
    Happy Christmas everyone
    2009 subscriptions now due
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    28-day prescriptions success story
    Pages 3-5: Medical news
    Influenza vaccine
    Generic Efcortesol update
    Modified hydrocortisone release: study update
    ADSHG at Clinical Update
    ADSHG at nurses conference
    Newcastle medical seminar
    Life in the slow lane
    Pages 6-8: Media
    Medical misinformation: Women's Own and PCC
    PCC decision
    Page 9: Famous lives
    Andrew Dasburg
    Pages 10-11: Around the group
    Seeing in the new year
    Regional meetings
    Page 12: Back page



  3. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 093 - September 2008"


    ADSHG Newsletter 093 - September 2008

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 93, September 2008
    It was the Irish dramatist Brendan Behan who said, there is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary. However, that was in a gentler, more deferential era. In this issue, two of our members – Tracy and Jackie – tell us about their experiences with the media and how their diagnosis stories were reported. As you will see on page 3, Tracy was delighted to fi nd her experiences accurately and carefully portrayed, while Jackie was dismayed to fi nd the opposite. On page 4 you can read the guidelines the ADSHG trustees have recently developed for working with the media in future, to try and prevent misreporting of Addison’s disease and the kind of distress Jackie was put through by misrepresentation of her life.
    Page 1: Front page
    Giving people with Addison's a voice
    Russian translation now available
    Oval hydrocortisone is back
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Obituary: Alan Lack
    Pages 3-4: Media
    Media misinformation: the saga of Women's Own
    Working with the media
    Pages 4-5: Recent news
    The puncture sisters
    Meeting reports
    Pages 5-6: AGM
    AGM report
    Chair's remarks
    Page 7: Medical update
    ADSHG submission to the Darzi report
    Page 8: Home and away
    News from down under
    Thigh high club
    Page 9: Personal experience
    Remembering Mabel
    On watch with Addison's
    Page 10: Around the group
    Name that ailment
    Members' news
    Page 11: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 12: Back page



  4. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 092 - June 2008"


    ADSHG Newsletter 092 - June 2008

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 92, June 2008
    Welcome to the June issue. Drug issues are in the news again this summer with both good and bad news. The good news, on page 4, is that there are promising developments with the two new modified release hydrocortisone products now going through clinical trials. The bad news is that hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone supply problems have again hit parts of the UK. Please check the emergency supply procedures on the back page of the newsletter.

    Page 1: Front page
    Good news and bad news
    Florinef and hydrocortisone shortages
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    Repeat prescribing for essential steroid medication
    BES endocrine conference
    Modified release hydrocortisone: good news
    Pages 5-8: Medical update
    Adrenal emergency regular event for Addison's patients
    Employment and Addison's
    All about food
    Claire's weight loss story
    Page 9: Personal experience
    A guider's tale
    Famous lives: Helen Reddy
    Page 10: Around the group
    Diary of a persistent patient
    Page 11: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 12: Back page



  5. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 091 - March 2008"


    ADSHG Newsletter 091 - March 2008

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 91, March 2008
    Recent months have been eventful ones for the ADSHG, so that this issue of the newsletter is more topical than usual. We found ourselves in discussions with a major drug company, Bristol-Myers Squibb, about the revised storage instructions for their fl udrocortisone acetate product, Florinef, and the lack of clarity regarding how long the tablets are viable out of the fridge. On page 6, the acting medical director of Bristol-Myers Squibb offers an explanation of the regulatory requirements behind the current situation. On page 7, Kerry Wheeler, the editor of the Australian Addison’s newsletter, describes the Australian experience with the new, white Florinef.

    Page 1: Front page
    Drug supply issues: Florinef and hydrocortisone
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    German translation works
    Are you having a problem getting hydrocortisone?
    Corlan shortage
    ADSHG at endocrine conference
    Page 4: Media
    Addison's in the news
    Pages 5-6: Medical update
    Florinef goes white in the cold
    Pages 7-9: Personal experience
    News from down under
    A soldier's tale
    Famous lives: JFK
    Page 10: Around the group
    Profile: Professor Simon Pearce
    AGM notice
    Page 11: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 12: Back page



  6. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 090 - December 2007"


    ADSHG Newsletter 090 - December 2007

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 90, December 2007
    Welcome to the December 2007 newsletter. Christmas can be a time of high expectations in many households – and possibly some added tensions. So in this issue, our page 5 feature considers the topic of stress: how the body and brain process stress and whether stressful events need extra medication (or not). We also provide some light-hearted tips for how to survive Christmas and, in the page 10 recipe, a deliciously indulgent alternative to the traditional Christmas pudding.

    Page 1: Front page
    We wish you a merry Christmas
    The little red card
    Fludrocortisone update
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    Twice-daily fludrocortisone
    Threat to DHEA supplies
    Infusion pump hydrocortisone
    Ambulance update
    Pages 5-6: Medical update
    What is stress?
    How to handle stress
    Pages 6-9: Personal experience
    Have a very restful little Christmas
    Thigh high club: Christmas Eve at A&E
    A sculptor's tale
    Famous lives: Eugene Shoemaker
    Members' feedback
    Page 10: Around the group
    Cake recipe
    Page 11: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 12: Back page



  7. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 04 web - October 2004"


    ADSHG Newsletter 04 web - October 2004

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group web newsletter, issue 4, October 2004
    As the group moves towards achieving charitable status, we are also establishing and developing some very positive links with medical practitioners and other members of healthcare services.

    Page 1: Front page
    Group update
    Page 2: Medical update
    London ambulance conference presentation
    Pages 3-5: Personal experience
    Jackie's story
    The doctor's view
    Pages 5-8: Medical lecture
    Managing your steroid medication



  8. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 03 web - April 2004"


    ADSHG Newsletter 03 web - April 2004

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group web newsletter, issue 3, April 2004
    It is hard to believe that the first webnewsletter was launched a full year ago. Yet much has happened within the group in the last twelve months. We have made significant progress towards achieving charitable status. Many of us have benefited from the “refresher” emergency injection sessions and, as part of our continuing emphasis on emergency management procedures, there is a step-by-step guide to administering an injection of Solu-Cortef, following on from the Efcortesol instructions (web newsletter 2), on pages 4 and 5.
    Page 1: Front page
    Group update
    Page 2: Group news
    The editorial team
    Website statistics
    Pages 3-4: Personal story
    Julie's story
    Page 5: Medical lecture
    The patient - consultant relationship
    Page 6: Around the group
    Penpal scheme
    Page 7: Media update
    Letter to The Guardian
    Page 8: Addison's information
    What to do in an emergency
    ADSHG email group



  9. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 02 web - October 2003"


    ADSHG Newsletter 02 web - October 2003

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group web newsletter, issue 2, October 2003
    Welcome to the second edition of the ADSHG web newsletter! In response to the continuing high level of interest in the emergency injection procedure, we hope that the step-by-step guide to administering the injection will be a helpful reference to anyone unsure of what to do. Research Nurse Suzanne Curran’s demonstration at the AGM and annual lecture on 10th May was a great success and this kind of supervised session is a real confidence booster, proving that we can all do it if we know how.

    Page 1: Front page
    Group news
    Pages 2-3: Medical information
    How to give an emergency injection of Efcortesol
    Pages 4-7: Personal experience
    Pam's story
    The doctor's view
    The ambulance service view
    Alan's story
    Page 8: Media
    Letter to The Lancet



  10. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 01 web -  February 2003"


    ADSHG Newsletter 01 web - February 2003

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group web newsletter, issue 1, February 2003
    Welcome to the first edition of the ADSHG web newsletter. It is intended to complement the bi-monthly newsletter and will be printed twice a year as part of your membership subscription, with the next edition scheduled for October 2003.

    Page 1: Front page
    Group update
    Page 2: Group news
    The editorial team
    Website statistics
    Pages 3-4: Personal story
    Julie's story
    Page 5: Medical lecture
    The patient - consultant relationship
    Page 6: Around the group
    Penpal scheme
    Page 7: Media update
    Letter to The Guardian
    Page 8: Addison's information
    What to do in an emergency
    ADSHG email group



  11. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 089 - September 2007"


    ADSHG Newsletter 089 - September 2007

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 89, September 2007
    Welcome to the autumn 2007 newsletter. This issue is packed with news about medication management that we hope you find both interesting and relevant.

    Page 1: Front page
    Keep on top of your tablets
    GP leaflet
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Members' news
    Hydrocortisone product trials
    Page 3: Recent news
    Repeat prescriptions: letter to the British Medical Journal
    Langbaurgh PCT: Good prescribing practice
    Page 4: Executive at work
    AGM minutes and Chair's remarks
    Pages 5-8: Medical feature
    Trends in the management of Addison's disease: medical lecture
    Extra material: Colour lecture presentation slide set extra (PDF in member-only area)
    Page 9: Personal experience
    The emergency translation works
    A cutting experience
    Page 10: Around the group
    Profile: Guildford speakers
    Potato rosti
    The crossword
    Rural ramblings
    Page 11: Notices
    Social meetings update
    Page 12: Back page



  12. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 088 - June 2007"


    ADSHG Newsletter 088 - June 2007

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 88, June 2007
    Welcome to the summer 2007 edition of the ADSHG newsletter. We have prepared this issue in anticipation of another long, hot summer such as we experienced in 2006.

    Page 1: Front page
    Have a good holiday - whatever the weather
    PC gremlins
    Portuguese translation of emergency card
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Members' news
    A sky high reward
    Page 3: Recent news
    One-dose hydrocortisone
    Euradrenal research project proposed
    Research volunteers wanted, Cambridge
    Page 4: Executive at work
    Repeat prescriptions
    ADSHG represented @ Birmingham
    A day at the seaside
    Pages 5-6: Medical feature
    Preventing and treating adrenal emergencies
    Page 7: Personal experience
    IM injection: is there a better way?
    Heat exhaustion
    Page 8: The doctor's view
    Managing hot weather

    Page 9: Personal experience
    Hot weather tips
    Rural ramblings
    Page 10: Around the group
    Spicy kedgeree
    The crossword
    Page 11: Notices
    Social meetings update
    Page 12: Back page



  13. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 087 - March 2007"


    ADSHG Newsletter 087 - March 2007

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 87, March 2007
    Welcome to the spring 2007 edition of the ADSHG newsletter. Spring is the time when the trustees are looking forward – both to the start of summertime and to the events of the year ahead – and back at our activities over the previous 12 months. This issue contains a four page supplement with the group’s Annual Report to the Charity Commission, outlining our activities in 2006. We hope you agree that we had some pleasing achievements in 2006, notably in raising medical awareness of our needs.

    Page 1: Front page
    Greater medical interest in Addison's disease
    Standing orders
    Annual report
    Page 2: From the President
    Members’ fundraising
    Members’ news
    Profile: Professor John Monson
    Page 3: Recent news
    One-dose hydrocortisone
    Hydrocortisone supply problems
    Genetic origins of Addison’s: update
    Pages 4-5: Medical feature
    Professor John Wass’ address to the 2006 endocrinology summer school
    Page 6: Executive at work
    Insurance and placebo trials
    Emergency survey update
    2007 AGM agenda and notice of meeting
    Pages 7-10: 2006 Annual Report
    A four page supplement
    Pages 11-13: Personal experience
    Return to work: occupational health and disability discrimination
    Page 14: Around the group
    Healthy banana cake
    The crossword
    E-forum update
    Page 15: Notices
    2007 AGM and medical lecture
    2007 subscription rates
    Genetic research: how to give blood
    Autumn medical seminar
    Page 16: Back page



  14. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 086 - December 2006"


    ADSHG Newsletter 086 - December 2006

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 86, December 2006
    Welcome to the December newsletter. Like us, you probably can't believe how quickly the year has gone. Nearly Christmas already! The last three months have been a busy time for the trustees and group volunteers. Deana Kenward and Alan Lack have been industrious in printing, packaging and posting all the Christmas card orders. Deana has been incredibly efficient, sometimes getting orders out within 48 hours of receiving them via the website.

    Page 1: Front page
    Wishing you the happiest of Christmases
    2007 membership options
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Members' news
    Page 3: Recent news
    Birmingham medical seminar
    Website online registration and membership renewal
    ADSHG e-Forum
    Page 4: Executive at work
    Day curves - are they worth it?
    ADSHG at medical conferences
    Pages 5-8: Medical lecture
    The ABCs of Addison's
    Page 9: Personal experience
    A cycling tour de force
    Bad drug experience
    Extreme sports
    Page 10: Around the group
    Deana's apple pie
    Page 11: Notices
    Give blood: medical research
    Page 12: Back page



  15. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 085 - September 2006"


    ADSHG Newsletter 085 - September 2006

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 85, September 2006
    Welcome to the autumn newsletter for the ADSHG. We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing summer holiday. Some of our members are great travellers, as you will see from the travel insurance tips on page 10 of this issue. You were no doubt aware of the heightened security and more stringent bag searches at UK airports this summer. It is still important to carry your medication and injection kit with you on the plane rather than check them as hold baggage (as specified in the Managing Addison’s leaflet you received with your June newsletter).

    Page 1: Front page
    Travelling safely with your essential steroid medication
    Emergency mini-survey
    Christmas order form
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Members' news
    Page 3: Recent news
    ADSHG at UK medical conferences
    Manchester medical seminar
    Genetic research: how to give blood
    Page 4: Executive at work
    AGM minutes
    Chair's remarks
    Pages 5-8: Medical lecture
    Sex and Addison's: how adrenal insufficiency affects men and women differently
    Page 9: Personal experience
    Our youngest member
    Our oldest member
    Page 10: Around the group
    Travel insurance tips
    Aunty Teresa's soda bread
    Recent medical research
    Page 11: Notices
    Meetings update
    Emergency card extra copies
    Page 12: Back page



  16. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 084 - June 2006"


    ADSHG Newsletter 084 - June 2006

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 84, June 2006
    Welcome to the summer newsletter for the ADSHG. Our exciting summer news is the launch of the Addison’s rose, Our Beth, at Chelsea on 22 May. This new rose from Peter Beales Roses is available thanks to a bequest from the Loasby family. Peter Beales Roses are making 10% of all sales proceeds available to the ADSHG in memory of their staff member, Beth Loasby, who had Addison’s and diabetes. We hope the gardeners among you will find a corner somewhere for this lovely rose, which will be available mail order from autumn 2006, as you can read on page 3.

    Page 1: Front page
    The Addison's rose: a wonderful gift
    Information leaflet
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Page 3: Recent news
    The Addison's rose: our Beth
    The surgical guidelines work
    Genetic research: give blood
    Page 4: Executive at work
    ADSHG at Glasgow medical conference
    London medical lecture: the sports report
    Pages 5-7: Medical update
    Profile: Dr Simon Pearce
    Will my children inherit my Addison's?
    Everything you wanted to know about Addison's
    Pages 8-10: Personal experience
    Running with Addison's
    Ironman competition in Canada
    The doctor's view
    Page 10: Around the group
    Meeting reports
    Injection kit cases
    Page 11: Notices
    Regional meetings
    Medical seminars
    Page 12: Back page



  17. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 083 - March 2006"


    ADSHG Newsletter 083 - March 2006

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 83, March 2006
    Welcome to the spring 2006 newsletter for the ADSHG. The year got off to a promising start for everyone with Addison’s, when we heard that our submission to the English ambulance regulatory body had been accepted. You may find it surprising, but at present, ambulance crews in many parts of the country do not carry hydrocortisone and those who do, are not permitted to administer it for the prevention of adrenal crisis. This is a reflection of the rarity of our condition - in the past those drawing up the regulations for ambulance crews and paramedics had overlooked our needs. However, the situation will gradually improve from April 2006 onwards, as you can read on page 4 of this newsletter.

    Page 1: Front page
    Promise of better emergency paramedical treatment in future
    ADSHG poster
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Pages 3-9: Medical update
    The emergency card works
    Emergency ambulance injections
    Addison's with a bump
    Thigh high club
    Profile: Dr Wiebke Arlt
    Pages 10-14: AGM
    AGM agenda
    Annual report 2005
    Accounts 2005
    Page 15: Notices
    Regional meetings
    Medical meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  18. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 082 - December 2005"


    ADSHG Newsletter 082 - December 2005

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 82, December 2005
    Welcome to our final newsletter for 2005. This has been a year of exciting developments for the group, which has seen several important projects come to fruition - most of which have been in the making for more than 12 months.

    Page 1: Front page
    Promoting better medical understanding of Addison's
    Surgical guidelines
    Page 2: From the President
    Christmas wishes to all
    Members’ fundraising
    Page 3: Recent news
    Guilford medical seminar
    US NORD gives recognition
    Page 4: About the executive
    Message from a member
    Trustees and their responsibilities
    Pages 5-7 Medical feature
    Addenbrookes seminar: Why are Addison’s patients difficult?
    Pages 8-9: Personal experience
    Hospital medication errors
    The doctor's view
    Page 10: Around the group
    Our Christmas card artists
    Research snippets
    Page 11: Notices
    Medical lecture 2006
    Call for trustees
    Regional meetings
    2006 subscription rates
    Page 12: Back page



  19. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 081 - September 2005"


    ADSHG Newsletter 081 - September 2005

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 81, September 2005
    Welcome to the 81st issue of the ADSHG newsletter. This is the first of our new-look newsletters and combines the regular print newsletter with our webnewsletter. It will be published four times a year, in September, December, March and June.

    Page 1: Front page
    Ensure you don't run out of essential steroid medication
    ADSHG emergency card
    Page 2: From the President
    Making friends across the ADSHG
    Regional reports
    Page 3: Recent news
    Fludrocortisone shortage continues
    Genetic research into the hereditory basis of Addison’s
    Page 4: Executive at work
    Our letter to Primary Care Trusts about medication needs
    Pages 5-8: Medical feature
    Professor John Wass’s 2005 lecture to the ADSHG
    Page 9: Around the group
    How the fludrocortisone shortage has affected us
    Member’s news
    Page 10: Personal experience
    What it means to be an ‘Expert Patient’
    Page 11: Notices
    Medical seminar and regional meetings for 2005
    Medical lecture 2006
    2006 subscription rates
    BMJ reviews our website
    Page 12: Back page



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