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Newsletters (members only)

Member-only newsletters published quarterly with features and articles about living with Addison's and group news.

69 files

  1. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 120 - June 2015"


    ADSHG Newsletter 120 - June 2015

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 120, June 2015
    Welcome to the summer 2015 newsletter. This issue takes an optimistic punt on the British weather – or our members’ overseas travel plans – and is packed full with hot weather and travel advice. You can find out how expert traveller Nathan Gafuik, the Canadian gymnast with Addison’s, handles long haul flights when he travels to international competitions, on page 5. And you can discover how ADSHG trustee Andrew is adapting to life in colourful, crowded, humid Bangkok. Ex-pat ADSHG member Yvonne explains how she survives in the searing Australian summers.
    Page 1: Front page
    Will this be the barbecue summer?
    Direct debit paper mandates
    Thai and Arabic emergency treatment translations
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Page 3: ADSHG video appeal
    Self-stabbing for beginners: a how-to guide
    Further Efcortesol delay
    Pages 4-7: Travel with Addison's
    Handling the heat at home and abroad
    Nathan Gafuik: travelling the world
    Bangkok life
    Ten tip on how to manage your Addison's while on the road in Thailand
    Thailand travel tips: the doctor's view
    Holiday reminders
    Pages 8-9: Nursing awareness
    Addison's on the Northumbria curriculum
    Pages 10-11: Around the group
    Have you fallen off the list?
    Ambulance registration in the south west
    Genetic research: give blood
    Never Events framework 2015
    The true cost of prescriptions
    Is your Medic Exempt still valid?
    Page 12: Personal experience
    Our first emergency injection
    Page 13: Fundraising reports
    Ian's £undraising bit
    Wibbly Wobbly Webby
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    2015 social & medical meetings
    Page 16: Back page
    2015 subscription rates



  2. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 119 - March 2015"


    ADSHG Newsletter 119 - March 2015

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group, issue 119, March 2015
    Welcome to the spring 2015 newsletter. Lifestyle and exercise are the hot new topics in this issue. Canadian gymnast Nathan Gafuik, who has Addison’s and took part in the recent Glasgow Commonwealth Games, shares his favourite foods with us. So does he ever do McDonald’s? Find out for yourself on page 5.
    Page 1: Front page
    New year, new you?
    Subscription rises 2015
    New medical research appeal
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Page 3: Recent drug news
    Efcortesol shortage: the latest
    Page 4: ADSHG membership questionnaire
    Questionnaire results
    Pages 5-6: Living well
    Nathan Gafuik: my approach to diet and nutrition
    Exercise, cortisol and me...
    Page 7: Clinical trials
    Volunteers wanted for the Pulses study
    Pages 8-9: Around the group
    Bad drug interactions
    Join our letter writing campaign
    Is your name still on the list?
    Steroid education evenings in Oxford
    Pages 10-11: Personal experience
    Being a parent to a child with Addison's
    Page 11-13: ALD and Addison's
    Page 13: Fundraising report
    Ian's £undraising update
    Pages 14-15: Social report
    Jan's social corner
    2015 social & medical meetings
    Page 16: Back page
    2015 subscription rates



  3. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 118 - December 2014"


    ADSHG Newsletter 118 - December 2014

    Addison's Disease Self Help group newsletter, issue 118, December 2014
    Welcome to the winter 2014 newsletter. There is good news and bad news in this issue. The bad news is about the shortage of injectable liquid hydrocortisone – Efcortesol – as you can read on page 3. The rest of the newsletter is more positive, beginning with a diary exclusive from Nathan Gafuik, the 29-year old with Addison’s who led the Canadian gymnastics team at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games this summer.
    Page 1: Front page
    ...and a healthy new year
    Subscription rises 2015
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Page 3: Recent drug news
    Efcortesol shortage
    Pages 4-5: Personal experience
    Glasgow Commonwealth Games: Nathan Gafuik diary exclusive
    Pages 6-9: 2014 AGM
    Chair's welcome
    Observations from the floor
    Treasurer's report
    Facebook report
    Member's feedback
    Pages 10-11: Around the group
    NHS hospital safety consultation
    Volunteers needed: endocrine conferences 2015
    Nursing awareness: your help needed
    CAH is Us hosts London seminar
    Page 12: More drug news
    Prednisolone pricing controversy continues
    Pages 13-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    2015 social meetings
    Page 16: Back page
    Subscription rates



  4. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 117 - September 2014"


    ADSHG Newsletter 117 - September 2014

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 117, September 2014
    Welcome to the autumn 2015 newsletter. The AGM and medical lecture on 1 November will be our ADSHG “party” to celebrate 30 successful years as a support group for people with Addison’s and their families. This November also marks the 10th anniversary of our accreditation, as a charity formally registered with the Charity Commission. We will be celebrating that important milestone, too. There will be cake and balloons to go with the sandwich lunch at 1pm, which will be followed at 2pm by the 12th annual general meeting and 13th medical lecture of the ADSHG.
    Page 1: Front page
    Come to the party on 1 November
    With this issue
    Tell your friends: Great South Run 2014
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Recent drug news
    Spotlight on Diurnal
    Prednisolone pricing controversy
    Page 5: Medical news
    Making hospital visits safer
    Page 6: Life skills
    Coping with fear of hospitals
    Page 7: Personal experience
    Bad bugs strike again
    Pages 8-9: Around the group
    Red flags for the ambo
    What's new with flu
    Care.data concerns: update
    Nursing awareness: Staffordshire replies
    Pages 10-11: Meeting reports
    EU nurses conference: Wroclaw
    Spain: a dream come true
    Page 12: Personal experience
    Google gives the diagnosis
    Pages 12-13: Fundraising reports
    Ian's £undraising bit
    Pages 13-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    2014 social meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  5. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 116 - June 2014"


    ADSHG Newsletter 116 - June 2014

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 116, June 2014
    Welcome to the summer 2014 newsletter. This autumn marks our 30th anniversary, and we will be duly celebrating with cake and balloons at the 1 November AGM and medical lecture. The ADSHG wears its history with pride, and can boast an impressive growth from humble beginnings, as you can read in the President’s column on page 2. We will be toasting Deana, our founder and President
    – and the future success of her little group – on 1 November at the AGM.
    Page 1: Front page
    Celebrating the big 3-0
    Help shape the next 30 years: give us your views
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Page 3: Recent drug news
    New generic 100mg hydrocortisone
    Promising developments with Chronocort
    Pages 4-5: Recent news
    Medical jewellery: there is an alternative
    Pages 6-7: Around the group
    Nursing awareness: good news from Wales
    Ambulance update
    Pages 8-9: Conference news
    Endocrine conference Liverpool 2014
    Steroid education: key to success
    Pages 10-12: Personal experience
    Stabbing the President
    Kuwait calling: on the drip
    Letter to my grandson
    Page 13: Fundraising news
    Ian's £undraising update
    Pages 13-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    2014 social meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  6. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 115 - March 2014"


    ADSHG Newsletter 115 - March 2014

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 115, March 2014
    Welcome to the spring 2014 newsletter. The ADSHG turns 30 in autumn this year, marking the auspicious season when Deana Kenward, our President, began contacting everyone who had responded to her little “ad” in the Radio Times. This autumn it will also be 10 years since the ADSHG’s application was approved by the Charity Commission and we became a registered charity. We have come a long way in those three decades and have a lot to celebrate.
    Page 1: Front page
    Happy birthday to us!
    VanishPoint syringe on sale now
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-6: Recent news
    Emergencies r us: more from our 2013 survey
    Stabbing practice at work
    Pages 7-8: Life skills
    A perspective on anxiety
    Page 9: Medical research
    Pulses - the rhythm of life?
    Pages 10-11: Personal experience
    Taking on the world: triathlon training for beginners
    The healthiest sick guy you know
    Page 12: Exercise and Addison's
    The doctor's view
    Page 13: Fundraising reports
    Ian's £undraising update
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  7. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 114 - December 2013"


    ADSHG Newsletter 114 - December 2013

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 114, December 2013
    Welcome to the winter 2013 newsletter. This issue explores the ways that people with Addison’s around the world have chosen to celebrate life post-diagnosis. Rachel in Eire, Andrew in Spain, an Ian and Sarah in the UK, and Geoff in Australia, describe some of the ways they have marked their diagnosis and recovery, many through sporting or recreational achievements. Jane explains in her page 7 column on coping with stress how she, too, determined to see the positives in her diagnosis and put it to good use in her life.
    Page 1: Front page
    Welcome to the winter newsletter
    New year = renew subscription time
    Employers leaflet
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    Ambulance awareness: advances in Ireland
    New medical paper on good clinical practice
    Pages 5-6: Medical awareness
    Nursing awareness raising
    Hospital awareness: Arran's first crisis
    Page 7: Life skills
    Reducing the stress of a long term condition
    Pages 8-10: Personal experience
    The Great Fjord & Shannon swims
    Santiago pilgrim trail
    St Crispin's day nightride in verse
    Page 11: Famous lives
    Geoff Starling - from exhilaration to despair and back again
    Page 12: Around the group
    Leicester medical seminar
    Page 13: Fundraising report
    Ian's £undraising update
    Pages 14-15: Social report
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  8. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 113 - September 2013"


    ADSHG Newsletter 113 - September 2013

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 113, September 2013
    Welcome to the autumn 2013 newsletter. This issue features some of the early findings from our online emergency questionnaire. As you will see, we are aiming to share the survey findings with health practitioners and policy makers, in a constructive dialogue to help our members manage their steroid-dependence as well as possible.
    Page 1: Front page
    Emergencies "r" us
    Christmas order form
    Online emergency survey
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    All about us: emergency survey findings
    Pages 5-7: Medical awareness raising
    Running out of steroid medication: the doctor's view
    Ambulance awareness update
    Recent drug news: Chronocort
    Letter writing for nursing awareness
    Page 8: Life skills
    Coping with the trauma of crisis
    Pages 8-9: Personal experience
    My hospital crisis
    My hospital crisis: the doctor's view
    Page 10: Famous lives
    Sabino Arano
    Pages 11-12: Personal experience
    My gap year goes astray
    Page 13: Fundraising report
    Ian's £undraising report
    Pages 14-15: Social report
    Jan's social corner
    Future social meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  9. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 112 - June 2013"


    ADSHG Newsletter 112 - June 2013

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 112, June 2013
    The most important message in this issue is here on the front page: we want everyone to participate in our emergency survey! In a new venture for the group, the questionnaire is a web-based format, using software provided by SurveyMonkey. This has the advantages of being much cheaper than a printed questionnaire, and means we get instant updates on the running totals as more people log in to take part.
    Page 1: Front page
    Listening to our members: emergency survey
    Online emergency survey
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    About the emergency survey
    Ambulance registration: why it's important
    News from Dublin
    Problems with NHS emergency care: is it a crisis?
    London ambulance invites us in
    Pages 5-6: Medical awareness raising
    ADSHG at the Harrogate endocrine conference
    Letter writing for nursing awareness
    Pages 7-9: 2013 AGM
    Chair's remarks
    Treasurer's report
    Webmaster's report
    Members' feedback
    Page 9: Home and away
    Specialist endocrine care: BMJ publishes our views
    Pages 10-12: Personal experience
    Jack's comeback
    Ambulance registration: a good news story
    Page 13: Fundraising report
    Ian's £undraising update
    Travelling light
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  10. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 111 - March 2013"


    ADSHG Newsletter 111 - March 2013

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group, issue 111, March 2013
    Welcome to the spring 2013 newsletter. Our members’ Middle East travel and trekking experiences feature large in this issue. Jo Grey writes about her rugged adventure in the Sahara, when she braved 40º heat, sandstorms, flies and the dreaded ‘Sahara tummy’, to trek 120km across the desert last October. Not for the faint-hearted, you can read the nitty-gritty of her epic stroll on pages 10 - 12. Andrew found himself making less progress on the journey home, when his flight to Kuwait became fog-bound and was stranded at the world’s largest airport – Dammam in Saudi Arabia – as he describes on pages 12 – 13.
    Page 1: Front page
    The journey home
    Notes for nurses: hospital advice
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Recent news
    Addison's life stories published
    Pages 4-5: Recent drug news
    Hydrocortisone price stays high
    Efcortesol availability
    Pharmacy labels
    Page 6: ADSHG at work
    Nursing awareness letters
    Ian's £undraising bit
    Pages 7-9: Medical lecture
    ADSHG medical lecture 2012
    Pages 10-13: Personal experience
    Maniacs in the Sahara
    Kuwait calling: sleepless in Dammam
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  11. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 110 - December 2012"


    ADSHG Newsletter 110 - December 2012

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 110, December 2012
    Welcome to the winter issue of the Addison’s newsletter. 2012 was a busy, active year for the group, with plenty happening that we can look back on with satisfaction. On page 2 our President, Deana Kenward, describes her memorable day at Windsor Castle in November, when she was awarded an MBE for her 28 years of dedicated service to the ADSHG. As you will see in the photos, Deana (who ordinarily never smiles for the camera), couldn’t stop smiling all day. Well done, Deana, and richly deserved!
    Extra download file included: BMJ - How to avoid precipitating an acute adrenal crisis
    Page 1: Front page
    We wish you a merry Christmas
    Addison crisis: the latest advice
    Page 2: From the President
    MBE award: my big day out
    Pages 3-5: Recent drug news
    Rescue of Addison’s disease study
    Modified release Plenadren: the latest
    Pages 5-6: ADSHG at work
    ADSHG at endocrine conferences
    Nursing awareness letters
    Pages 7-10: 2011 annual report
    2011 report and accounts
    Pages 10-16: Personal experience
    Diamonds are forever: 60 years with Addison’s
    Not such a merry Christmas
    The doctor’s view
    Travelling light
    Page 17: Fundraising report
    Ian’s fundraising update
    Pages 18-19: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 20: Back page



  12. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 109 - September 2012"


    ADSHG Newsletter 109 - September 2012

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group, issue 109, September 2012
    Welcome to the autumn 2012 newsletter. This issue features an inspiring interview with the Canadian Olympic gymnast Nathan Gafuik, who represented Canada in the recent London Olympic Games. Now aged 27, Nathan was diagnosed with Addison’s some 12 years ago, aged 15. During the Olympic Games, he met our journalist member Jane, to talk to her about how he manages the combined challenges of his Addison’s and high level gymnastic competitions. You can read about Nathan’s remarkable courage and self-discipline on page 3.

    Page 1: Front page
    Our Addison's heroes
    With this issue: Christmas order form
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Personal experience
    Olympic gymnast with Addison's
    Pages 5-6: Recent news
    What's new with flu?
    Nursing awareness raising
    Members' perspective
    Pages 7-8: AGM reports
    Remarks from the Chair
    Treasurer's report
    President's address
    Pages 9-10: Personal experience
    Kuwait calling: from New York
    The nurse's view
    Page 11: Recent drug news
    Fludrocortisone storage instructions
    Page 12: Home and away
    Travelling light
    Page 13: Fundraising update
    Ian's fundraising bit
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  13. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 108 - June 2012"


    ADSHG Newsletter 108 - June 2012

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 108, June 2012
    Welcome to the summer 2012 newsletter.This issue features articles from two doctors, on some important aspects of our medication management. Dr Kristian Lovas of Bergen Medical School Norway, explains the implications of his research team’s recent fi ndings about how grapefruit juice and liquorice alter the influence of our hydrocortisone tablets on page 3. Then on page 11, Dr Rob Andrews of Bristol Medical School responds to the dilemmas posed by Andrew in Kuwait calling, where he describes the combined challenges of extreme heat and stress.

    Page 1: Front page
    Good stress, bad stress
    With this issue
    Page 2: From the President
    About the money
    Pages 3-4: Recent drug and research news
    What is it about grapefruit juice and liquorice?
    Once a day Plenadren: the latest news
    Letter writing for nursing awarenss
    Pages 5-9: Medical meetings
    British Endocrine Societies conference report
    Pages 10-12: Personal experience
    Kuwait calling: heat+stress+
    Travelling light
    Nearly new baby
    Page 13: Fundraising update
    Ian's fundraising bit
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  14. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 107 - March 2012"


    ADSHG Newsletter 107 - March 2012

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 107, March 2012
    Welcome to the spring 2012 newsletter. We hope that some of you have made new year resolutions to improve your fitness and take up running. This is because the ADSHG has purchased 5 charity places in the 2012 Great South Run, taking place in Portsmouth on 28 October. As Ian explains on page 13, this is a flat 10 mile course that should suit the determined novice. If you are willing to do some fundraising on our behalf – and show the world what people with Addison’s can achieve – we would love to hear from you. On page 12, Professor Simon Pearce tells us how he achieved a similar goal in 2011, when he completed the Great North Run for the first time.

    Page 1: Front page
    Get your running shoes out
    Keeping your membership up to date
    Page 2: From the President
    Membership donations
    Pages 3-4: Recent drug news
    Once-a-day Plenadren: latest news
    Page 5: Recent news
    Research news
    About the money
    Letter writing for nurses
    Pages 6-8: Medical lecture
    Adrenal crisis and Addison's
    Page 9: Ambulance alerts
    Phil's bit
    A shot in the night
    Members' feedback
    Page 10: Medical update
    Nursing awareness
    Medical awareness: pharmacy labels
    Pages 11-12: Personal experience
    Travelling light
    My big run
    Page 13: Fundraising report
    Ian's fundraising bit
    Pages 14-15: Social reports
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  15. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 106 - December 2011"


    ADSHG Newsletter 106 - December 2011

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 106, December 2011
    Welcome to the winter 2011 newsletter. Recent drug developments make our top stories once again, with announcements that the UK manufacturer of cortisone acetate has pulled out, while the new modified release hydrocortisone product, Plenadren, has gained marketing approval from the European Marketing Authority. On page 3, our medical advisers offer suggestions on what to do if you have been affected by the sudden loss of cortisone acetate.

    Page 1: Front page
    ...and a healthy new year
    MP's enquiry into drug shortages
    Page 2: From the President
    Pages 3-5: Recent drug news
    Cortisone acetate withdrawn from UK
    Plenadren gets EMA marketing approval
    Irish drug news
    Page 5: Recent news
    Welcome to our new Treasurer
    Pages 6-8: Annual report
    Trustees report to Charity Commission
    Financial review
    Page 9: Fundraising update
    Thank yous
    Pages 10-11: Around the group
    Newcastle seminar
    Ambulance alert
    Pages 11-14: Personal experience
    Thigh high club
    My special day
    Time for tea with nurses
    A heart beat from Paris
    Kuwait calling
    Travelling light
    Pages 15-17: Around the group
    Have yourself a merry little Christmas
    The web report
    Fundraising update
    Alfred Potter Memorial Research Award
    Pages 18-19: Social update
    Jan's social corner
    Regional meetings
    Page 20: Back page



  16. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 105 - September 2011"


    ADSHG Newsletter 105 - September 2011

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 105, September 2011
    Welcome to the autumn 2011 newsletter. Drug news features prominently in this issue. On pages 3 – 4, Jane investigates the views of a number of leading European adrenal specialists on Plenadren, the new modified-release hydrocortisone tablet. We hope you will agree, their responses make fascinating reading.
    Page 1: Front page
    Keep on running
    With this issue...
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' donations
    Pages 3-6: Recent drug news
    Modified release hydrocortisone: a mixed response from experts
    Irish medication news
    Page 6: Recent news
    New information from Society for Endocrinology
    GP online investigates prescriptions lengths
    Pages 7-9: AGM
    Chair's remarks
    Finance report
    Web report
    Page 10: Personal experience
    A marathon triumph in Edinburgh
    Skiing in Norway
    Pages 11-14: Around the group
    Ambulance alerts
    Eyesight problems?
    Travelling light
    Jan's social corner
    The web report
    Ian's fundraising update
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  17. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 104 - June 2011"


    ADSHG Newsletter 104 - June 2011

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 104, June 2011
    Welcome to the summer 2011 newsletter, which is packed full of news. The new dual release hydrocortisone being developed by DuoCort is now becoming available in the UK - at a price - as Jane Hodgkin explains on page 3. Medication costs and access to our essential steroid medication also feature on page 4, where we reprint the ADSHG’s recent letter to the British Medical Journal about prescription costs. The ADSHG’s activities in medical awareness-raising are reported on pages 5 and 6, where Alison Mainwaring describes how she represented us at a nursing forum and we report on the annual British Endocrine Societies’ conference in Birmingham.

    Page 1: Front page
    Being prepared
    Medical recognition of our website
    With this issue
    Page 2: From the President
    New bones for old
    Pages 3-4: Recent drug news
    Dual release hydrocortisone available in UK
    28 day prescribing in the news
    The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
    Pages 5-7: Medical update
    Royal College of Nursing invites our input
    British Endocrine Societies conference
    Addison's highlighted at European endocrine conference
    Page 8: Around the group
    Immunodeficiency study at Oxford
    Genetic research: give blood
    Pregnancy study
    Pages 9-12: Personal experiences
    This student life
    Blues and twos from the dentist
    Ambulance alerts
    Travelling light
    Pages 13-14: Group news
    Jan's social corner
    Ian's fundraising bit
    Members' donations
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  18. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 103 - March 2011"


    ADSHG Newsletter 103 - March 2011

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 103, March 2011
    Welcome to the spring 2011 newsletter. Those among you whose New Year resolution was to improve your fitness or join a gym may take inspiration from James Claxton and Richard Keyzor’s experiences, reported on pages 4 and 5. Richard was never runner before he decided to take on a year-long quest of competitive sporting events, to raise funds for his son Oli’s cystic fibrosis charity. You can read about his triumphs and his setbacks in One Year, One Aim. James confesses that he was under-prepared for the gruelling cycling course he set out on in October – one hundred miles a day for ten days – which took him from Land’s End to John O’Groats. Outstandingly, he made it, although one of his companions did not.
    Page 1: Front page
    Never give up
    What is Addison's
    GP awareness
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' donations
    Page 3: Recent drug news
    Hydrocortisone prices stay high
    Addison's Ireland
    Pages 4-5: Personal experience
    One year, one aim
    100 miles a day
    Pages 6-8: Medical news
    European Addison's conference
    Pregnancy survey
    Page 9: Personal experience
    Travelling light
    Pages 10-12: Real life emergencies
    A dangerous delay at the hospital
    Ambulance alerts
    Pages 13-14: Personal experience
    Body ready for the scrapheap, brain ready for Mastermind
    Page 14: Around the group
    Les says: fundraising update
    Alfred Potter Memorial Research Award
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  19. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 102 -  December 2010"


    ADSHG Newsletter 102 - December 2010

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 102, December 2010
    Welcome to the winter 2010 newsletter. We have some encouraging news in this issue, as medical professional colleges and ambulance trusts show their recognition of our emergency treatment needs and identify various ways in which they can support us. As we report, below, we are re-issuing our laminated emergency card with ‘badging’ from the Colleges of Emergency Medicine and Paramedics. Then, on page 6 you can read about the Welsh Ambulance approach to adrenal crisis and the steps they are taking to ensure all their crews are acquainted with our rare condition.
    Page 1: Front page
    And a healthy new year
    New red card
    GP care leaflet
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' donations
    Pages 3-4: Recent drug news
    New DuoCort drug moves closer to production
    Adixon - a success story
    Repeat prescriptions
    UK hydrocortisone price stays high
    Pages 5-6: Medical news
    Impact at the endocrine conferences
    Responding to adrenal crisis: Welsh ambulance perspective
    Pages 7-12: Personal experience
    Delayed treatment at A&E
    Phil's bit: ambulance alert
    A Christmas story: my journey into Addison's
    Thigh high club: a Moroccan study
    Travelling light
    Pages 13-14: Group news
    Jan's social corner
    Les says: fundraising update
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  20. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 101 - September 2010"


    ADSHG Newsletter 101 - September 2010

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 101, September 2010
    Welcome to the autumn 2010 newsletter. We have some good news to announce, highlighted here on page 1, in the support we are receiving from the College of Emergency Medicine. The college has generously offered to endorse our emergency treatment instructions, by allowing its official logo to be printed on our red emergency card. This badging should help to ensure that our needs are given immediate recognition by Accident & Emergency staff in future.
    Page 1: Front page
    Waving the red card
    Endorsement from College of Emergency Medicine
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' donations
    Alfred Potter Memorial Research Award
    Pages 3-4: Recent drug news
    Hydrocortisone price increase
    Prescription medication: who pays what?
    Alternatives to hydrocortisone?
    Page 5: Personal experience
    The Fred Whitton challenge
    Pages 6-8: AGM
    Social report
    Chair's remarks
    Treasurer's report
    Webmaster's report
    Pages 9-12: Medical lecture
    Should everyone with Addison's be taking DHEA?
    Pages 13-14: In memory
    An untimely death
    Pages 14-15: Medical news
    Media misrepresentation
    DuoCort update
    Feedback on GP leaflets
    Pages 16-17: Personal experience
    Thigh high club: a Cornish experience
    Travelling light
    Page 18: Around the group
    Les says: fundraising update
    Page 19: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 20: Back page



  21. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 100 - June 2010"


    ADSHG Newsletter 100 - June 2010

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 100, June 2010
    Welcome to the summer 2010 newsletter. This issue is, first and foremost, about celebrating the achievements of our athletes. Three of our members – all with Addison’s – completed marathons in April, and we are so proud of them. You can read their stories on pages 3 – 5. This issue is also about recognising the achievements of the endocrine nurses who work to support people with Addison’s. You can read about the two nurses who won the ADSHG’s research awards at the March endocrine conference on pages 7 - 8.
    Page 1: Front page
    Our athletes, our heroes
    Cordon acquired by Auden Mckenzie
    Page 2: From the President
    A beautiful wedding
    Members' donations
    Pages 3-5: Fundraising update
    Peter's Brighton story
    Debra's London story
    Greg's London story
    Pages 6-8: Medical news
    Vitamin D deficiency
    ADSHG nursing award at endocrine conference
    Group education and steroid sick day rules
    Pages 8-10: Recent research
    Ongoing symptoms in Addison's
    Bone loss in Addison's
    Responding to adrenal crisis: ambulance perspective
    Pages 11-12: Famous lives
    George Summerbee
    Page 13: Personal experience
    Travelling light
    Page 14: Around the group
    Les says: fundraising update
    Social meeting reports
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  22. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 099 - March 2010"


    ADSHG Newsletter 099 - March 2010

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 99, March 2010
    Welcome to the March 2010 newsletter. The UK had an unusually cold, hard winter; when the spring weather fi nally arrives it will be most welcome. So spare a thought for our competitive runners and cyclist, who have had to continue their training regimes right through the sleet, ice and snow. The London marathon is on 25 April and the ADSHG is proud to have two members with Addison’s who will be taking part in it: Debra Chase and Greg Davis. In addition, group member Ian Carswell will be taking on one of the UK’s toughest competitive cycling routes when he takes part in the Fred Whitton Challenge in the Lake District in May. You can find out more on page 14.

    Page 1: Front page
    Supporting our athletes
    GP information packs
    Efcortesol shortage
    Page 2: From our President
    Members' donations
    Obituary: Alfred Potter
    Page 3: Famous lives
    Jane Austen had TB not Addison's
    Pages 4-5: Recent news
    What's new with flu?
    ADSHG trustee meeting
    French fludrocortisone
    Page 6: Medical meetings
    ADSHG offer nursing awards
    Page 7: Recent research
    Recent research on adrenal emergencies
    Page 8: Famous lives
    Ella Holleufer Hedtoft
    Pages 9-13: Personal experience
    Travelling light
    An unhappy hospital stay
    Machu Picchu
    Up and running
    Exercise and Addison's: the doctor's view
    Page 14: Around the group
    Les says: fundraising update
    Social meeting reports
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  23. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 098 - December 2009"


    ADSHG Newsletter 098 - December 2009

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group newsletter, issue 98, December 2009
    Welcome to the December 2009 newsletter, the final newsletter in our 25th anniversary year. To mark the passing of this special year, we are giving everyone a Silver Jubilee gift pack, enclosed with this newsletter. Our 25th anniversary celebrations, held in Guildford on 31 October, feature on pages 9 and 10, with Chris Scott and Daniel Kenward’s recollections of the early days of the group.

    Page 1: Front page
    Happy Christmas everyone
    Silver Jubilee gift pack
    Page 2: From the President
    Group news
    Pages 3-5: Medical updates
    What's new with flu?
    Modified release hydrocortisone: promising developments
    Nordic conference news
    Pages 6-7: Group news
    Sister awarded for saving mother
    'I want to see a consultant'
    Travelling light
    Pages 8-9: 25th anniversary meeting
    Speeches from the meeting
    Page 10: Medical report
    Oral contraceptive pills: a word of caution
    Renin tests - what do they mean?
    Page 11-12: Personal experience
    Helen Reddy: the woman I am now
    Page 12: Famous lives
    Eunice Kennedy Shriver
    Pages 13-14: Around the group
    Les says: fundraising update
    Social meeting reports
    Members' donations
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  24. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 097 - September 2009"


    ADSHG Newsletter 097 - September 2009

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group, issue 97, September 2009
    Welcome to the autumn 2009 newsletter. It has been a busy summer for the trustees, as you can read in this issue. We have worked with the Society for Endocrinology to help their Clinical Committee prepare the information about H1N1 flu preparedness that is enclosed with this newsletter. We have written to the British Medical Journal about Addison’s awareness and the important role played by GPs in the early diagnosis of our condition. Our letter is reprinted on page 5. And we have been preparing our new range of Addison’s awareness gifts and stationery, along with enhancements to our Just Giving donations and fundraising pages, as you can read on page 8.

    Page 1: Front page
    Working with our medics
    Flu update
    Christmas cards
    Page 2: From the President
    Group news update
    Page 3-5: Recent news
    Patients taking hydrocortisone need longer prescriptions in light of flu pandemic
    New fludrocortisone - out of the fridge
    'I want to see the consultant'
    Prescription charges
    Addison's in the medical press
    Page 6-7: AGM
    Chair's remarks
    Treasurer's report
    Page 8: Group news
    Les says: fundraising update
    The shop
    Life in the slow lane
    Pages 9-12: Medical lecture
    Replacement therapy in Addison's disease
    Pages 13-14: Medical update
    Spotlight on Manchester: NWAS and hospital experience
    Page 15: Social update
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



  25. More information about "ADSHG Newsletter 096 - June 2009"


    ADSHG Newsletter 096 - June 2009

    Addison's Disease Self Help Group, issue 96, June 2009
    Welcome to the summer 2009 newsletter. We make no apologies for the sober tone of this issue, which is all about emergencies. Two of the four horsemen of the apocalypse – pestilence and death – feature on these pages. Pestilence, in the guise of Mexican flu, appears on page 3, where we have some important news about the anticipated flu outbreaks in autumn 2009 and how to make sure we are all as well prepared as possible. Death, very sadly, appears on page 11 where we publish the autopsy report on a lady with a pituitary condition (not an ADSHG member) who died in her sleep, when she could not absorb oral steroids during a gastric infection. If she had been given injected steroids and prompt medical treatment, it is likely that this tragedy could have been prevented.

    Page 1: Front page
    All about emergencies
    With this issue
    Efcortesol shortage
    Page 2: From the President
    Members' fundraising
    Pages 3-5: Medical news
    A message from John Wass on flu preparedness
    28-day prescribing in the news
    Addison's in the medical press
    Page 6: AGM
    Social report
    Pages 7-8: ADSHG poster
    All about emergencies
    Pages 9-10: Personal experience
    My life turned upside down
    Page 11: Recent news
    A preventable tragedy
    Pages 12-13: Home and away
    News from Denmark
    Casa Luz calling
    Life in the slow lane
    Pages 14-15: Social update
    Social meeting reports
    Regional meetings
    Page 16: Back page



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