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Keep up to date with ADSHG Member News

  • Find a round up of a range of news items that have recently appeared on our Twitter and Facebook feeds, website and news alerts.

Find a round up of a range of news items that have recently appeared on our Twitter and Facebook feeds, website and news alerts. Follow our 'Keeping up with the news' thread to receive notifications when we publish updates. 


If you've not received news alerts in the last 3 months please check your spam folder to see if they've been trapped there. If there's still no sign of them please contact membership@addisons.org.uk to check all is well with your email address.


To view the Facebook and Twitter links featured on the thread you'll not need to join either of these social media sites. The posts are publicly available.


If you have news or stories to share do contact socialmedia@addisons.org.uk. we'd love to hear from you!

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