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Lectures & seminars

14 files

  1. Free

    The patient - consultant relationship

    The patient - consultant relationship - Professor John Wass & Katherine White
    How good a relationship do you have with your endocrinologist?In this talk to the Pituitary Foundation conference, Professor John Wass and Katherine White address some of the factors that make for good communication.
    Presented at: Pituitary Foundation 4th National Conference - November 2002



  2. Free

    ADSHG medical lectures & seminars 2004 - 2010

    ADSHG medical and seminars – presented by leading medics in the field of adrenal insufficiency
    This document contains all the slide presentation summaries from the ADSHG seminars and lectures from 2004 to 2010.
    The individual presentation downloads from each year are also available separately in the publications centre along with the the two most recent medical lectures which are not included in the compendium.
    ADSHG medical lecture 2011
    ADSHG medical lecture 2012



  3. Free

    2012 ADSHG medical lecture

    Novel therapies for adrenal hormone replacement: are they worth it? - Professor Richard Ross
    The 12th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Professor Richard Ross from Sheffield Medical School and the University of Sheffield. His talk was entitled “Novel therapies for adrenal hormone replacement – are they worth it?” This article contains a summary of Prof Ross' slide presentation and a short report from Francis Hambidge on the afternoon's proceedings.



  4. Free

    2011 ADSHG medical lecture

    Adrenal crisis and Addison's - Dr Stefanie Hahner
    The 11th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Dr Stefanie Hahner from the Würzburg Medical School in Germany. Her talk was entitled “Recent research in adrenal emergencies”. This article contains a summary of Dr Hahner’s slide presentation and a short report from Frances Hambidge on the afternoon’s proceedings.



  5. Free

    2010 ADSHG medical lecture

    Should everyone with Addison’s be taking DHEA? - Professor Krishna Chatterjee
    The 10th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Professor Krishna Chatterjee from Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. His talk was entitled “Should everyone with Addison’s be taking DHEA?” This article contains a summary of Prof Chatterjee’s slide presentation from the lecture.



  6. Free

    2009 ADSHG medical lecture

    Replacement therapy in Addison’s disease: challenges and opportunities - Dr Kristian Lovas
    The 9th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Dr Kristian Lovas from the University of Bergen in Norway. His talk was entitled “Replacement therapy in Addison’s disease: challenges and opportunities”. This article contains a summary of Dr Lovas’ slide presentation from the lecture.



  7. Free

    2008 ADSHG medical lecture

    The causes of Addison’s - Professor Simon Pearce
    The 8th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Professor Simon Pearce from Newcastle University and the Royal Victoria Hospital in Newcastle. His talk was entitled “The causes of Addison’s”. This article contains a short article, written by Prof Pearce, reviewing his talk and a summary of his slide presentation from the lecture.



  8. Free

    2007 ADSHG medical lecture

    Trends in the management of Addison’s disease - Professor John Monson
    The 7th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Professor John Monson from St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. His talk was entitled “Trends in the management of Addison’s disease”. This article contains a summary of Prof Monson’s slide presentation from the lecture and a short report from Claire Allen on the afternoon’s proceedings.



  9. Free

    2006 ADSHG medical lecture

    Sex and Addison’s: how adrenal insufficiency affects men and women differently - Professor Wiebke Arlt
    The 6th ADSHG annual medical lecture was given by Professor Wiebke Arlt from the University of Birmingham. Her talk was entitled “Sex and Addison’s: how adrenal insufficiency affects men and women differently”. This article contains a summary of Prof Arlt’s slide presentation from the lecture.



  10. Free

    2006 ADSHG Cambridge advanced endocrine course

    Addison’s disease in the 21st century - Professor John Wass
    This lecture from the Cambridge Advanced Endocrine Course, which took place in 2006, was given by Professor John Wass from Churchill Hospital in Oxford and the University of Oxford. His talk was entitled “Addison’s disease in the 21st century”. This article contains a summary of Prof Wass’ slide presentation from the lecture.



  11. Free

    2006 ADSHG medical seminar

    The ABC of Addison’s - Dr Simon Pearce
    This ADSHG medical seminar in 2006 was given by Dr Simon Pearce from Newcastle University and the Royal Victoria Hospital in Newcastle. His talk was entitled “The ABC of Addison’s”. This article contains a summary of his slide presentation from the seminar and an article written by Dr Pearce and Peter Cripps reviewing the talk.



  12. Free

    2005 ADSHG Addenbrooke's endocrine seminar

    Why are Addison’s patients ‘difficult’? - Katherine White
    The ADSHG Addenbrooke’s endocrine seminar in 2005 was given by Katherine White, the Chair of the ADSHG. Her talk was entitled “Why are Addison’s patients ‘difficult’?” This article contains a summary of Katherine's slide presentation from the seminar.



  13. Free

    2005 ADSHG medical lecture

    You and your General Practitioner - Professor John Wass
    The ADSHG medical lecture in 2005 was given by Professor John Wass from Churchill Hospital in Oxford and the University of Oxford. His talk was entitled “You and your General Practitioner”. This article contains a summary of Prof Wass' slide presentation from the lecture.



  14. Free

    2004 ADSHG medical lecture

    Managing your steroid medication - Dr Trevor Howlett
    The ADSHG medical lecture in 2004 was given by Dr Trevor Howlett from Leicester Royal Infirmary. His talk was entitled “Managing your steroid medication”. This article contains a summary of Dr Howlett's slide presentation from the lecture.



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