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Support our fundraisers

  • Many people raise funds for the group through participating in sponsored events; please help us by sponsoring someone undertaking such an event in the year ahead. Some of our fundraisers are group members with Addison's; others are friends and family.  The ADSHG also purchases a limited number of charity places in one or two running events a year. You can find details of place availability in 2018 in this article.

You can view the supporters raising funds for ADSHG, to find out more about their event and the personal reason why they are supporting our charity, by accessing the fundraising calendar...


Please donate as generously as you can. Your sponsorship will support our day-to-day charitable work which includes providing support to members with Addison's disease through meetings, publications and our newsletter, as well as awareness activities promoting better understanding of this rare condition among health professionals.


To read more about the work of the group and how it spent its funds in the most recent financial year, you can browse the group's annual report and accounts here. To learn more about how the charity is funded and where it receives its income, please view this online article here.


ADSHG adheres to the Code of Fundraising Practice and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.



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