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NewsAlert emails (members only)

  • The ADSHG NewsAlert June 2018 is now online!


    To help you keep our members up-to-date with new information available on the ADSHG website, online forum and with late breaking news, we send email regular NewsAlert emails.

These are stored in our news alert back issues section accessible here [members only].


Each edition of the NewsAlert brings you update with the latest updates on the website, late breaking news, and any updates from the online forum. Typically NewsAlert emails are sent every other month but the frequency varies depending on the amount and urgency of the news and updates.


To receive the NewsAlert, you need to join the ADSHG and you will be automatically added to the NewsAlert email list and you can easily unsubscribe and re-subscribe from within your membership account. Both e-members and postal members will receive the NewsAlerts.


To give you an idea of the style, layout and quality of information in the newsletter some example pages from the 2016 ADSHG NewsAlerts are shown below.



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