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Print & web publications improvements

  • The group's highly regarded publications for people with Addison's are undergoing a redesign over the coming months, improving their visual design and also accessibility for people with visual impairments. 

After an extensive review and consultation the editorial team is revising the format and design of the group's publications. The overall aim has been to further improve the visual design and layout of the publications to improve the accessibility of the publications for people with visual impairments and enhance the home printing experience.


The group's policy of making the publications freely available as website downloads and selling high-quality print versions in the online shop remains the same. 


Key improvements

  • Moving forward publications will predominately be produced as A5 rather than A4 in size
  • As publications are revised they will be produced in both web and print formats 
  • Both web and print publications will conform to the group's visual design and colour palette
  • Revised publications will display a clear reviewed by/published date and for web publications it will also form part of the filename. This will ensure that you can easily confirm whether you have the most up-to-date version


Print publications

  • Purchased from the online shop within relevant packs, the first revised pack being the ADSHG Hospital Folder (Item 300)
  • The ADSHG Information pack, sent to newly joining postal members, is currently undergoing revision



Web publications

  • Freely available as website downloads from the publications centre the updated ADSHG Hospital folder publications are now available.
  • Printable as A5 booklet or 'upscaled' by printing as A4, which will results in larger, easier to read text  
  • Specially designed in terms of appropriate colour and contrast to assist those with visually impairments
  • Conservative with your printer ink for home printing compared with previous versions
  • Reviewed by/published date forms part of the filename, e.g. ADSHG-surgical-guidelines-A5W-.07-2017.pdf



The ADSHG would like to thank our graphic designer Dave Thorp from the-workshop, for his hard work and dedication in producing all the group's publications since 2003 and who was pivotal in formulating and implementing these important improvements.

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