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Addison's Ireland publications

Nick Willson
  • The publication 'Caring for the Irish patient with Addison's: information for GPs', has been developed with information about the healthcare system specific for people with Addison's in Ireland.

All the other publications from the ADSHG are also available to Addison's Ireland members and they are available for free download in the publications centre. Print copies of these publications (except those indicated) are sent as part of the postal member's joining pack. Hard copies are also available for purchase from our online shop as the ADSHG information pack (item 304).


Irish publications

Caring for the Irish Addison's patient: information for GPs
The leaflet, 'Caring for the Irish patient with Addison's: information for GPs', has been developed for the ADSHG by the Addison's Ireland Clinical Advisory Panel (AICAP), led by Professor Christopher Thompson. It outlines the role of the GP in managing Addison’s disease at each stage in the patient lifecycle from diagnosis to old age, taking into account the health system in the Republic of Ireland..


Read more about this publication and download it...
A printed copy of this item is not included in new postal members' pack or the information pack in our shop.


Additional publications

Publications for healthcare professionals
Clinical guidance publications have been developed by the ADSHG Clinical Advisory Panel to inform and advise your healthcare professions. These publications are available as free downloads and you should ensure your healthcare professionals are provided with these important publications.


View the list of clinical guidance publications...


Publications for people with Addison's disease
The Addison’s Disease Self-Help Group, with the support and guidance of its Clinical Advisory Panel, publishes free education materials for people with Addison's regarding the treatment and day-to-day management of Addison's. These publications are available as free downloads and it is important that people with the condition read these publications.


View the list of publications for people with Addison's disease...


Publications explaining Addison's
The Addison’s Disease Self-Help Group, with the support and guidance of its Clinical Advisory Panel, publishes free education materials that help to explain what Addison's disease is and raise awareness of the condition. These publications may be of particular relevance if you are newly diagnosed with Addison's.


View the list of publications explaining Addison's...

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