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Addison's Ireland online forum

  • The Addison's Ireland online forum is a confidential member-only forum which allows members to communicate with each other, share information and experiences, and get answers to questions relating to Addison’s disease. This is a sub-section of the main ADSHG forum.

The online forum is a vibrant community of ADSHG members offering mutual support and help. It is a key membership benefit of the ADSHG and Addison's Ireland, providing subscribing members with the opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, make new friends and discuss the practicalities of living with Addison's.


To access the online forum, you must be a member of the ADSHG. All current members of Addison's Ireland can access the online forum which as a specific topic area dedicated to Addison's Ireland, for discussion of any specific issues regarding the Irish health system.



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